
North Dorset sub aqua club welcomes divers from all agencies eg. BSAC, PADI, NAUI, SAA, etc, you can become a member our club and the BSAC then immediately join us on any of our programmed dives if your qualification is suitable for the particuar dive.

We are a non profit- making  voluntary dive club and make all efforts to keep costs to minimum so that our sport is available to all members.

NDSAC membership

                 Benefits of membership to NDsac


  •  Access to local dives with experienced buddies
  •  Access to a regular Wednesday Charter Boat, Rocket out of  Poole during main dive season.
  •  A good range of UK weekend expeditions throughout the season.
  •  Overseas expeditions to various locations e.g. Red Sea Liveaboards, Gibraltar, Malta and Maldives have been some of our more recent trips
  •  Low cost airfills from our club compressor, located in North Dorset area. Nitrox available at moderate cost.
  •  Access to club WhatsApp chat for dive related chat and getting the latest of club activity
  •  Lots of social activities for all the family and a weekly pub  night.
  •  Club kit available for new trainee divers .


Annual full diving membership £96 or £8.00 per month on Standing Order

Social member   £48 annually or £4 per month on Standing Order.


Joining North Dorset Sub Aqua Club & BSAC

It couldn't be easier , after you've come along and met members of our club & decided its right for you, you'll be introduced to Nicky our chairperson, she'll guide you through the simple process of joining NDsac & BSAC.



Compressor News 2024

The compressor is available for both air and Nitrox. Contact committee members for details.

CLUB News 

Latest news on the archeological findings on the wreck of the 74gun warship HMS Colossus - position first located in modern times by NDSac club members (2001) - Details on the website Blog page

Club Projects

NDSAC Ferry Bridge Project

In response to BSAC's interest in club projects, it has been suggested to the committee that Ferry Bridge Diving could provide us with an all season project on marine life, photography and local history. A project outline has been registered with BSAC as a Club Conservation Project.  

Click above to see details on our new NDSAC Projects Page

NDSAC Adopted Wreck.

PSS The South of Ireland.

A brief histopry is available on the website Blog. 

Want to join us?

If you'd like to become a member, or to find out more, please use equiries or call in to see us or  simply use the form on our contact us page 

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© 2024 North Dorset Sub Aqua Club